Start Planning Your Financial Future Today even if you think you can’t afford to. today is always the best day to start thinking about your finances in the future.
You know that you should be saving more of your money, whether it’s for a specific goal (a new house, a new car, a holiday) or just for your future. In fact, you know that everyone should have a plan for their financial future – and retirement – even if that time is still a long way off. And you do mean to save, you really do, it just seems like that every last penny you make is already earmarked for something else.
Doing more than simply opening a basic savings account is a must if you really want to plan a secure financial future and a comfortable retirement. There are some great ways to save for retirement available to South Africans, and some great help out there to assist you in getting started on the right path. However, it may seem like finding the extra money to start seriously planning for your financial future is impossible.
But is that really the case? Saving money for tomorrow’s expenses doesn’t have to become a painful hardship. In fact, it can become so painless you barely notice you are doing it. That is until you take a look at your projected future financial situation and realise that it’s something that now makes you smile.
How is any of this actually possible, if you already always seem to run out of money before payday almost every month? Here are just a few ideas.
Start Planning Your Financial Future Today.
Make Use Of Price Comparison Websites
No matter if you’re looking for car insurance, Internet access, mobile phones or a new bank account, comparing rates on price comparison websites can ensure you get the best deal.
You should get into the habit of checking price comparison websites every time you need to renew items such as car and household insurance. Once a year, it’s a good idea to go through your utility bills, mobile, Internet and bank accounts to make sure you are getting value for money on all these items.
And that’s not all you should do. As more and more of us shop online we need to get into the habit of looking for coupons and discounts in the same way as you would when shopping at a physical store, and there are a number of great sites that will help you do that too.
Start Planning Your Financial Future Today
Streamline Your Credit Card Debt
If you have credit card debts on multiple cards, you should really be trying to pay them off as quickly as possible. But if you can’t quite do that right now you should think seriously about transferring them to a credit card which offers zero percent interest on the transferred debt. The money you save in interest charges by doing so can be very significant.
Alternatively, you may want to consider consolidating your credit card debt into a single loan with a reduced interest rate. Private loans usually charge much lower interest rates than credit cards, and so, depending on how much you owe, you could save a significant amount by consolidating the debt into a single loan.
Start Planning Your Financial Future Today
Start Paying for Things in Advance
Many companies provide a discount for paying annually. Examples include your gym membership, car insurance and even your medical aid plan. So, if you can find a way to afford it, pay the whole fee for these things up front and save a bundle.
On a smaller scale, get into the habit of shopping ‘out of season’. Shop for Christmas decorations in January. Swimwear at the end of summer (for next year) rather than at the beginning. Valentine’s Day cards and chocolate in March. At all of these times, the price of these seasonal items is significantly reduced and no one but you will ever know!
You can see from the above it is, in fact, possible to ‘ Start Planning Your Financial Future Today’ however if you want more information on how to escalate your track to a great Financial Future please fill out the form and one of our Professional Financial Consultants will call you back.