Medical Aid for R45 per day – Myth or Fact?, it’s a fact and a comprehensive Medical Aid, not just Hospital Cover. Most people know that it is only basic common sense that they have some form of medical aid plan in place, even if they are young and healthy. They also know however that they have to stretch their salary further and further every month, something that often pushes medical aid to the bottom of their essentials list and they once again take the gamble and manage without it.
Then there are those who hold bare bones hospital coverage only medical aid plans, not particularly out of choice but again, due to budget concerns. They would actually like more benefits – annual wellness checkups, maternity cover and prescription help – but they simply believe that plans offering those kinds of options are out of their reach. This is not so for R45 per day you could get yourself a comprehensive Medical Aid.
There is however a rumour that affordable, comprehensive medical aid plans do exist among the dozens and dozens of different plans on offer. And guess what? For once the rumours are actually true.
Medical Aid for R45 Per Day – Myth or Fact?
R45 per day does not get you a lot these days. A 1/4 chicken at Nandos, a Venti Frothy Drink at the newly launched Starbucks, a box of Bran Flakes at Woolworths. But now it can also buy you something far more valuable; a great medical aid plan. One that offers you more than just the basic coverage you need if you are hospitalized in an emergency.
But I’m Young and Healthy Do I Really Need a Better Plan?
Some may ask themselves why they need a medical aid upgrade, even a very affordable one. Usually these people are relatively young and generally healthy. Sure they don’t visit a GP often (or at all) but why bother if the worst they ever seem to have to deal with is a couple of days of the flu?
One big reason to consider medical aid coverage that is a little more comprehensive is that many health issues lie dormant and unseen in ‘healthy’ people for months, even years. A regular check up at a local GP can spot these unseen issues before it’s too late. And what if you eventually want to start a family? You’ll want to not only make sure you are in great shape to do so but that, if you are female, you would have access to great healthcare right from the start.
There is also the issue of prevention. Many age related conditions can be prevented, or at least lessened, with the right preventative measures, something that a medical professional is the best person to give you advice about, not random articles on the Internet.
Affording That R45 a Day
OK, so you are considering upping your medical aid now. But, even if it’s a relatively small amount R45 a day may, on the surface, seem like an expense that’s hard to fit into your already tight budget. Or is it? If you quit eating out at lunchtime and bring your lunch to work instead you’ll find the extra money right there (and probably eat healthier too.) Or if you ditch that subscription to that magazine you hardly ever read anyway. Tiny, pretty painless changes like these can put a great medical aid plan within your reach and that is, believe us, not likely to be something you’ll ever regret.
Medical Aid for R45 Per Day – Myth or Fact? It’s a Fact to find out more talk to one of our Medical Aid Consultants