Investing Money Post Coronavirus? Needs to be thought about carefully. Our world has changed and there is no doubt that the coronavirus pandemic has created financial uncertainty for most people. To include widespread unemployment and wild stock market fluctuations. Because of this, and because there’s a lot of confusing and conflicting information out there, it’s hard to know how to react, and how to best protect and plan for your family’s future.
While only a professional investment advisor can give you definitive advice for your unique situation – and we heartily encourage you to consult with one – here is some basic advice that should help you get started on the road to a better, and more stable, personal financial situation even in the face of a pandemic.
Investing Money Post Coronavirus?
Reassess Your Financial Priorities
If you, like many, are dealing with a decrease in cash flow, it is important to prioritize where you are putting your resources.
This may mean taking a break from saving and investing altogether, for a period of time. If you can maintain some of your savings and investment contributions, think about prioritizing retirement funding over college savings.
Parents often have a hard time putting themselves first, but the reality is that there are several ways to pay for university, but very few ways to fund retirement. One of the best gifts you can give your children is your own financial independence in your retirement years (see our next point to really understand why.)
Investing Money Post Coronavirus?
Don’t Panic if You Are In a ‘Financial Sandwich’

One trend that has been increasing over the past few decades is the number of South African adults who are not only trying to raise their children but take care of their aging parents as well. This time of financial uncertainty is almost certainly going to be extra stressful for you if you are among these ‘sandwich’ generation providers.
Navigating your time as part of the “sandwich generation” is all about finding balance, which begins with setting goals. Having a robust understanding of your family budget and your parents’ financial circumstances is a great place to begin.
Once you better understand what the financial demands being placed on you really are, you can start to set specific goals and assign them an order of priority. Make sure to give yourself a break, too. Every phase of life is its own season, and priorities will shift over time. It’s OK if you can’t “do it all,” all the time! A clear list of goals will help you refocus on things you’ve had to neglect when your budget allows.
Investing Money Post Coronavirus?
How to Invest If You Do Have the Cash
If you are considering putting cash to work in an investment, several considerations help to shape the right choice for you, especially in these pandemic times.
First, consider your goal(s) for the invested money. What do you want the money/investment to do for you? Second, consider by when you anticipate needing to withdraw the invested money—either a portion of it as income, or all of it. In other words, what is your investing timeframe?
And third, evaluate the risk of various investments before choosing the options that may help you to achieve your goals, while assuming a comfortable amount of risk. This last one is the trickiest, as things are far from normal in the financial world right now. That’s why taking the time to meet with a personal financial advisor – even if it’s virtually! – really is one of the best financial moves you can make right now.